One tournament is just around the corner & another two now open for registration, all the info you need is below.


Stirling STS – Saturday 7th June

The tournament is just around the corner and we are taking 3 teams of Lions along once again this year. Payment is now due. £20 for those staying over and attending the Ceilidh, £10 for those just playing and returning home. Please make payment to the Lions bank account:

Account Name: Glasgow Lions
Account No: 86202152
Sort Code: 09-01-27
Reference: Your name Stirling


Glasgow Cup – Saturday 28th June

The 2nd annual Glasgow Cup is taking place on Saturday 28th June. This is a tournament open to teams based in Glasgow and this year the Glasgow Touch Association has included entry as part of the Summer League package. That means you get a great day of Touch for free! There will be a Mixed as well as Mens & Womens categories which also means plenty of game time.

If you are available to play, please fill in the survey monkey:


Aberdeen STS – Saturday 12th July

The 3rd leg of this years Scottish Touch Series takes place in Aberdeen on Saturday the 12th July. The cost will be £20, £10 entry fee & £10 bus travel, with a private bus being provided by the club travelling up in the morning and returning home after the tournament. As always we are looking for a strong showing at the STS.

If you are available to play, please fill in the survey monkey: